What is NG UNICEF?

Jaqui Benitez, reporter

In mid-February, two students, Vy Nguyen and Alvin Tran came together and introduced NG UNICEF to North Garland. UNICEF, also known as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, is a non-profit organization that aids women, children, and communities across multiple third-world countries by having fundraisers, participating in volunteering services, and uniting people at socials to spread the awareness of social problems around the world. 


Currently, they have a president, vice president, historian, and two secretaries. President is Alvin Tran, Vice President Vy Nguyen, Historian Alvina Tran, and Secretaries Harmony Wood and Cathy Rajesh. Apart from them, there are also a few inactive members.


“We plan to attract more members by attending freshman fairs and advertising on social media,” Vice President Nguyen said. 


Nguyen and Tran were always interested in helping and volunteering, so creating a club dedicated to helping wasn’t too far-fetched. They went to English teacher Margaret Benner and she became their sponsor. 


“Our Vice President, Vy Nguyen, first came up with the idea when a friend of hers, who started [GHS] UNICEF at their school, encouraged Vy to start one at North Garland,” Secretary Cathy Rajesh said.


The GHS UNICEF was started by Esha Makwana in 2016. As of right now, they have an estimated 40 members along with their officers. They host their club events every month and participate in a few socials. Every year they host a UNICEF Water Walk and the money that is raised is donated to UNICEF.


“Our first event at [Feed My Starving Children] was interesting but fun,” Nguyen said. “We realized that there were many miscommunications between us and the Garland High School about registration, but it is all a learning experience. Nonetheless, we got the opportunity to network with other UNICEF members.”


The FMSC is a Christian non-profit organization that strives to serve each community according to its needs and resources. Together with Garland High School, NG UNICEF helped pack food. 


“As for future plans, we’re thinking of continuing packing food with FMSC and possibly partnering up with Garland High School again,” Rajesh said.